Monday, June 29, 2009

Fresh Start!

Want to take a quick moment to thank so many of you for the birthday wishes you sent this week. It meant so much to me this year more so than any other year! This birthday wasn't a milestone in the fact that it was a special number birthday, although I do like that it is a double odd number year (33) but it was a milestone birthday in the fact that after 10 years I have officially turned the page in my life. Not sure why my birthday made it more real to me, but this year is the start of me as a mom and person, no longer a wife. A friend wrote me a card that said it "marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life-the one that you get to write!" I love that, it makes me so excited and motivated for the future and so glad that I will get to share all the ups and downs with you! The girls also were with me this weekend, the first of our extended weekends which is just awesome, it is great to be surronded by their positive energy and creativity. Plus the youngest lost her first tooth and the tooth fairy made a visit to the apartment! What a great treat for me!
Have a big week ahead of me, lots of mileage to be put into the books! So better get going!


  1. (belated) Happy Birthday Ultra-woman! Good luck chasing the tooth fairy on your ride today, and stay dry.

  2. My 30th was much the same. "Karla: Reorganized" was the theme that year. You're in control, baby.
    Happy Birthday, BB!
