Friday, July 10, 2009


Wow, time sure does fly, I can't believe that UMC is a few short weeks away! I can feel the butterflies fluttering around!
Life has been crazy but to be honest I am getting used to it and I have been reminded to focus on the happy things and the things that I have control over and when I do that the days sure are better.
In the past weeks I have done some great swims,bikes and runs! I feel confident with my fitness level and proud of the quality workouts I have accomplished. The biggest thing I am pleased with is the way my body has handled all the mileage. No major issues have creeped in and I find each workout that I am still able to finish strong.
One issue I have had to deal with has been a sad tummy. I know that it is 100% stress related, it has been slightly annoying but still I am managing to take the best possible care of myself and try to focus on the positive while out there but I plan many restrooms on the routes just in case,lol!
So in the final weeks leading to UMC I plan to surround myself with the strong wonderful people in my life, have fun with the mileage I have left to do and enjoy the sun and stars as much as I can!

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