Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"White ring around it makes it optional"

Back home after 9 glorious days in Mexico with SV...I will post pics and updates from our trip when we are finally settled... We had lots or R'n'R...did some killer runs and some fun swims... It was nice to be "off the grid" for a while but now I'm back and ready to blog away!
This first one is dedicated to my big sis, Kim... who back when I was 16 and learning to drive, told me that the stop signs with a white ring around a them were optional... I, being the younger sis and she was dating the son of a police officer, believed my sister... Until I finally realized that all stop signs have the white ring around them!
This week not one of our shuttle drivers or taxi drivers did a full stop at any sign...Kim was right...  Love you sis...wish you could have been with us!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Two Tickets to Paradise...

Pack your bags, we leave tonight....or tomorrow anyways...SV and I were able to get through the never-ending (or so it seemed) To-Do list...we were able to put in some quality training these past two weeks... some tough runs last week and I decided to take it a little easier on the running this week...I put my classes through some tough workouts and my body is feeling it tonight, but it is that heavy, achy feeling that reminds you of all the hard work you have done and how much you love to feel this way...strong, fit and relaxed!
Muskoka fell under a blanket of snow and frigid temperatures...the kids loved it as they were treated to a snow day... the temps dropped so low, I wasn't sure that I would warm up, but knowing we would soon be walking outside in shorts made it easier to freeze through all the ice/snow scraping!
We leave tomorrow..heading south...I'm looking forward to running outside in shorts and not much else...swimming with the sun beating down and doing Yoga on the beach!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

At times it amazes me how much I am able to do in a day... other times I wonder how in the world I am going to be able to accomplish anything!  Today was one of the latter, I felt that I was racing from one thing to another...coming and going....I have a list of things I want to accomplish this week but today was not the day for them to be checked off...I will do my best to get at them tomorrow.
It was a pretty frigid weekend here in Muskoka but I was able to get in a solid ride on my trainer yesterday morning before heading out to get my youngest kidlet...once home we did a favourite foods meal with all of them and then watched LOTR2 (the family that watches LOTR together...yep well I guess it just makes us all dorks!!)....today I hammered out a solid 1:05 on the trainer and then rushed off to Yoga class...have I mentioned how much I love my Yoga class...greatest group of people...we laugh, groan, sigh and sweat together!
Just finally sitting down with SV to relax for a bit...tomorrow is shaping up to be another full one, with kid taxi-ing, swim workout, core class, vet appointments, haircut appointments, clients, grocery shopping, house cleaning, laundry, cooking...and probably 3 or 4 more things that I am just not able to remember at this moment!!
But for now..time to watch a little Australian Open!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hard Choices

Woke up this morning and greeted a very chilly day in Muskoka....
Once upon a time, I was an all season outdoor runner...I would run in any and all conditions, but SV has been successful in converting me, fair weather only. I was impressed to see others out there running and yes they did look happy but more importantly they looked down right cold... I know that a long run in the winter wonderland has a certain peace and beauty about it, but I hate being cold and have come to terms that those points don't outweigh the cold and wet and I like my knees too much to suffer through any winter runs...Plus it doesn't hurt that we have our own home gym right outside our back door (15 bitterly cold steps away!)...so today while my friends were out enjoying the bitter winter wind in their faces...I was here sweating out 11 miles in my shorts and tank top...tunes blaring, watching a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon...every once in awhile looking out to enjoy the peace and beauty of the winter wonderland!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Long Road to....

It's official...I decided today that I am going to become a more faithful blogger...the room has been booked...the date is set...I have a goal....and I am hoping that we can help motivate one another! Triathlon World Championships here we come....
In the next few days I am going to work on changing the look of my blog...I love this current picture...such a great feeling of soaring....but I feel my blog needs an update!

January 2012 is off to a great start. I am feeling strong and healthy. I love what I do every day and I love that I have so many amazing people in my life! I am working with some great people who inspire me and I feel that I have so much to share.
I have shied away from posting too much in the last while because of the stress and difficulties of ex-spouses, but I am at a point in my life that I could care less if they are reading.

Yep it's true!! I am stronger than ever and I have all of you to thank for that...it is going to be a fast paced year and I am hoping you will all join me on this journey, so fasten your seat belts...here we go!