Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 Days

We are here and I have picked up my race kit for UMC, so it is official, I am doing this thing!  The last few days have been filled with getting things together, getting packed and catching planes. I am happy to report that everything went smoothly and we had no issues travelling with the bike and all of our luggage arrived safely.  

We stepped out of the airport to some beautiful summer weather, it was 35 degrees and humid, such a change from the cool rainy temperatures we have been getting in SW Ontario. I was a little stressed but then realized it is all good, I have my Endurolytes and my crew will be on top of hydrating me and keeping me cool.  We got to the hotel and we ended up getting a great little place that is pretty cozy at the Days Inn.  We made the important trip to get beer, seriously, do you think any other ultraman athletes are going to be consuming any beverages while out here? After getting our drinks we went out for a little run, the temperature was 34 degrees and it was 6:30pm but in all honesty it wasn't to bad. I don't mind humidity, it just requires a little more attention to what you are doing and how you are pacing.  We went out to dinner and actually got to meet a few of the other UMC athletes, it is interesting b/c there is so few of us and there are pictures on the website, so we are recognizing each other. We had a dinner and were struggling to keep our eyes open as we waited for our food because of the time change.  
Woke up this morning to another hot and sunny day. Peggy arrived and we headed out for a nice breakfast overlooking the lake and mountains. We went and checked out the bike and running store and did a little shopping and Steve got my bike and bike gear ready to rock and roll. 

Today was registration day and I went and got my kit and met some of the other athletes. Everyone involved with the race has been so friendly and very helpful. I got to finally meet Darwin who has been keeping email contact with me over the past few months, he was so friendly and encouraging, it was great to finally meet him and also John who is here doing his first Ultraman as well.  It is such a great vibe from the other athletes and volunteers you can tell that this is going to be so different than an Ironman, it is just a whole different ball game, but I like it. Some of the athletes seem pretty intense and hard core, which I find enjoyable but it isn't that overwhelming intensity that can occur at Ironman. I love the fact that I have a crew that is super fun and low key but highly motivated to help me get things done. I have been having so much fun with my crew, we went through the course binder as we enjoyed a cold Corona I realized that I have the best people here with me supporting me and I know that even through the hard and challenging sections that they will be good at pulling me out of the rough patches, here are a few pictures of Steve and Peggy today as we were going over some of the race plan. (Susan landed this afternoon and is on her way here now!)

Monday, July 27, 2009

5 Days...

Yep, I said it 5 days left, that is all until the start of UMC. (excuse me as I hyperventilate).  It is hard to believe that I head out west Wednesday morning, but at the same time I am so looking forward to the entire experience that I can't help but be excited.  I do have a great deal to get done in the next 36 hours but really it is only packing and if I forget anything, they do have stores in Penticton! (as my crew keeps reminding me!)  
The weather here in Ontario hasn't been very summer like so far so if it decides to be cold and rainy, I am ready. However, the temperatures out west have been way higher than we have had all summer here so I look forward to seeing the sunshine and warm temperatures, I have to remember to pack my salt tabs!
 Spent the weekend chilling with the kidlets and we had a lot of fun times, it was so great to be together and laugh. I sure miss them when they aren't with me but the time we are together is so enjoyable and it helps me get through!  I will use them to get me through the tough times on day 3 for sure!  
My body is feeling pretty good and I am feeling pretty confident. Will be taking the bike out for one last little ride before she gets packed away for the trip! I am feeling good in the water and the running is feeling great. Hopefully, race weekend the body will continue to feel good with no major issues. I think that is the thing that I am happiest about. Despite all of the mileage there has been no major injury that crept in, maybe in part because of the stress and drama, I didn't do all the training I might have done, but I think in the end, this is what needed to be done, everything happens for a reason right.  I feel good, the body feels strong and I am sleeping well. So as my one swim coach used to say "the hay is in the barn" now let the fun begin!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Final Countdown...

So much to do and I am running out of time! Seriously, I had a bit of a panic the other morning when I realized I was flying out to BC in a few days (one week today to be exact). Where did the time go? I will admit I am a little more stressed about the organizational aspects than the race at this point. I am comfortable with my fitness level and I know mentally I am prepared. I was given a gift yesterday by 2 very special ladies in my life and it made me realize that I am strong and I have people that believe in me and want me to succeed. It was such a great feeling and it has me excited to be finally approaching race day!
However, I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of things that need to get taken care of in the week leading up to departure day. Luckily I have great people accompanying me on this journey and they are helping to take care of the things that I hadn't even thought about.
Probably the biggest comfort about UMC is that it is a team event. Yes, I am competing in the race as a solo athlete, but this event is unique in the fact that each racer has a support crew that will be out on the course with them to provide support and encouragement and help deal with any little bumps along the way. I am lucky to have 3 amazing people acting as my support crew. Susan, Peggy and Steve are all heading out to Penticton with me and I am so honoured to have such great people going through this with me. Each one of them understands what this event means and has been so supportive of this goal. As support crew they will be there to help deal with any issues that may arise mechanically on the bike, make sure that my nutrition intake is what it needs to be and keep me moving towards the finish line. Each of them is prepared to run with me on the final day and the thought of just having them there suppoting me and encouraging me, I couldn't ask for better friends! UMC is going to remember our crew if nothing else, we are going to have some good times and there will be lots of laughs....and some good beverages, lol!(hopefully they can stay out of trouble!!) I will update this post with a picture of my awesome crew soon! Along with supporting me through the 512km they will be updating my blog and posting pictures so that all of you can see how the race is going! So before I forget I want to just take one minute and express the biggest thank you to Susan, Peggy and Steve: without the 3 of you I don't know that I would feel as confident going into this race. All of you have given so much support and encouragement to me already and I know that you're all excited to be part of this race and I am honoured that you are actually looking forward to spending 30 hours in a van together to get me to that finish line! I know that I have the best crew there is, so thank you and I love you guys!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rail Road Tracks-1 Me-0

I had my second crash of the season today, the first one on the new machine. Headed out early into the cold and rain (it really doesn't feel much like summer). I came to some railroad tracks early in the ride, they aren't the nicest of tracks as they are at an awkward angle to the road. I thought I had gone at them correctly but when I hit the second one, I knew I was going down and it hurt pretty bad. I got up quickly and checked myself over, my elbow was bleeding and my hip hurt but nothing was broken. I looked at the bike and saw some scratches but nothing was broken on it either which was good. I phoned Sibo, as we were supposed to be meeting up, I am embarrassed to admit I was crying like a little girl and he offered to drive out to pick me up. I wanted to go home but at the same time, I really wanted to get the ride done. (have I mentioned I can be quite stubborn?) I had to put the chain back on and got covered in grease and that only made me cry harder, yeah I was at my best. I headed down the road still shaking and crying, I must have been quite the sight. Sibo drove out and found me and cleaned my elbow and hip, then we headed out together. We did about 60km with some good head wind and I was noticing that my right hip was cramping up, probably because I was trying not to use my left leg as it was pretty sore. I got back into a rhythm and tried to forget about the pain in my hand, elbow and hip. When Sibo and I separated I wasn't sure if I should head back home or try to finish up my mileage. I decided to do some hills and then decide. I ended up doing another 50km after parting ways with Sibo and then headed home. I was a little disappointed that I didn't finish what I had set out to do, but I couldn't get down in the aerobars for any long periods of time and my hand was really sore and my hip felt pretty nasty. I got in a solid ride, rode 125km after crashing and I think mentally I did the best that I could, so I am trying to focus on the positive rather than the mileage I missed out on [or the fact that I cried like a little girl :) ]. Checking out the damage, I did get lucky, my jacket saved my skin, the elbow is cut up and bruised but it could have been much worst. The hip is the thing that hurts the most, it is pretty swollen and bruised and it hurts when anything touches it but nothing is broken so I can't complain! The bike is good, nothing a little nail polish can't fix according to Sibo. I guess I finally broke the new machine in and I will be heading out again tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We are almost to the countdown point, 2 weeks tomorrow we fly out west, can you believe it? It is a little overwhelming to think what is approaching so quickly but at the same time, I am so excited to get out there and meet some of the people involved in this race. I know each of the athletes and crew members will have their own story, but I want to take a minute to tell you about one of the athletes that I have been corresponding with over the past few months as we are both training for our first Ultraman. John Callos has quite an interesting story of how he got involved in the sport of triathlon and has written a book called Iron Ambition. John sent me a copy of his book, (which you can read about and purchase here: It is a great book and highly motivational. I am so proud of him and excited for the journey that the sport of triathlon has brought to his life. I am looking forward to meeting him and racing beside him as we work towards a common goal of crossing the finish line!
I had a great run this morning, was able to get in over 19 miles and although I was feeling sluggish, I kept moving and enjoyed the sun and early morning. The next few days are calling for some good weather which will make the miles I am going to put in that much more enjoyable. I will update you on how the workouts go!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Wow, time sure does fly, I can't believe that UMC is a few short weeks away! I can feel the butterflies fluttering around!
Life has been crazy but to be honest I am getting used to it and I have been reminded to focus on the happy things and the things that I have control over and when I do that the days sure are better.
In the past weeks I have done some great swims,bikes and runs! I feel confident with my fitness level and proud of the quality workouts I have accomplished. The biggest thing I am pleased with is the way my body has handled all the mileage. No major issues have creeped in and I find each workout that I am still able to finish strong.
One issue I have had to deal with has been a sad tummy. I know that it is 100% stress related, it has been slightly annoying but still I am managing to take the best possible care of myself and try to focus on the positive while out there but I plan many restrooms on the routes just in case,lol!
So in the final weeks leading to UMC I plan to surround myself with the strong wonderful people in my life, have fun with the mileage I have left to do and enjoy the sun and stars as much as I can!