Saturday, January 30, 2010


Where to begin, I have been trying to come up with what I want to write here for a few weeks but I can't seem to get it right. There has been a lot of writing and deleting... so I guess I am just going to put it all down and hope it sounds the way I want it to.
2009 was a year where I made a lot of changes, there was an incredible amount negative and positive emotions and I learned a great deal about myself and people that were in my life. I discovered that I am stronger than I have ever given myself credit for and the people in my life who love me are the most amazing people I have ever known and they have given me so much strength.
The changes and growth I made in 2009 led me to thinking about the future and what I wanted to do with my life. I looked back at the past and the emptiness, I feel like I have been treading water for so many years and I decided to change that. I am tired of waiting, waiting for the courts to settle the issues that the ex refuses to settle on, tired of waiting for our divorce to come through before I can move forward with life, tired of waiting and hoping that he will pay support for the girls. Financially I couldn't wait for our settlement to come through or for child support payments to be agreed to, the girls deserve better than that. I looked into going back to school, the plan had been for September but then I received a phone call from the program director telling me that there were still spaces for January. Financially it was something that I couldn't turn down, putting off financial security until September while trying to make ends meet for 9 months, was something that made this decision to start living now rather than more months of waiting.
Once I talked about it with the number one people in my life, my girlies, the way they were on board and supportive I knew this was the right decision, they are such amazing little ladies. We had a lot to do and very little time to do it in. However, everything lined up so perfectly. We had a place to live and the girls had a school to attend and I was accepted into the RMT program and had full financial funding. One after another, things fell into place, I felt a little sick to tell you the truth, it was scary. The thought of moving to a new town and going back to school after so many years was overwhelming but some of the best things in life happen that way.
Once I saw the new apartment I knew I had made the right decision and seeing how excited the girls were gave me peace of mind. We have a great little water front home, it is cozy and the view is great, right now it is a frozen wonderland with ice fishing huts, but come spring I know it will be wonderful to sit by the water and do some studying, to watch the girls run around in the yard and swim from the dock and watch the sun set on the water, very peaceful! This space is so much healthier for the three of us, so positive and pretty, nothing like the 9th floor apartment that had some bad memories for all three of us (although some amazing times were had there too...)
So it is official, we have moved. All the furniture and belonging have been packed up and the apartment in London is no longer mine. The girls ride the bus to their new school and have fit in with new friends and new activities, they love tobogganing and snow shoeing at the school and the staff seems pretty awesome here and the girls seem so excited about school each day, they were actually bummed when we thought we were going to have a snow day. I am attending Georgian College and will be for the next 2 years, so far classes seem pretty great and I am excited to be learning and working towards a career, one that will fit in nicely with my coaching and interests. I am also happy to report that I am going to be starting work part time at Running Free in Barrie, it won't be a lot of hours, but some extra spending money for the girls and me but I am excited to meet some new people and to make friends in the running/triathlete community here. I am living in Orillia and the area is pretty, I can't wait for the spring to try out the biking in this area and being able to open water swim right from my home is going to be fun! Being closer to SV is a really nice bonus to the move here as well, the long distance thing was interesting, but the commute to London from Gravenhurst is a painful one, especially after so many months of both of us doing that drive so many times. So we are both enjoying being less than 30 minutes away from each other and being able to have a real relationship.
Unfortunately, there has been some negatives, it was hard to move away from my family. Even though we are a family that no matter how far apart we are will always be there for each other. I know I will see my parents and sister as much as we can. We have just grown so close to each other this past year and it is so great to be with them again.
Finally I think the biggest thing that I have come to realize with this move and well really the past year is that I have to focus on the positive people in my life because there are so many people out there who will do their best to try to make you feel bad about yourself or your decisions. I like to think that I have done a lot of positive things for people. When anyone I have known/worked with in a coaching-athlete relationship told me their goals, whether it was to run a half marathon, a marathon, to do a triathlon or to do an Ironman. Never have I said anything negative or discouraging. I am usually the first person, including the person who has told me their goal, to believe in them and tell them that they can do it. I am a huge believer in supporting people in what they want or hope to do because so many people out there want to tell you that you can't do something. I have never understood that. Who am I to tell someone what they can and can't do, even if it was something that I felt was a big goal for them, I would focus on how we could make it something less "big" and never would I discourage them. I love that people try new things and challenge themselves. That is who I am and I know I have helped people do things they never thought they could have done before..... maybe they don't acknowledge me once they have reached those goals or after the goal has come and gone, but again that isn't why I have tried to help them or encouraged them or believed in them, I like seeing them do something they were unsure of before and I love seeing people reach their goals. That is me. Unfortunately, I have come to realize that I am not going to get that same support from everyone in my life, so I need to focus only on those who will give me that positive energy, because they are the ones that truly do care about me...In the words of one of the greatest ladies I know in my life..." Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind" (it was actually said by Dr. Suess). So hopefully you are one of the ones who don't mind and that is why you are reading my blog, I have made the best possible move for my girls and myself. I am happy and feel like I am finally on the right path, I miss my family and friends but no matter where I live I know we will make efforts to be together.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Catching Up...

I know I know, I haven't updated this thing in awhile. Time has a way of getting away from me and these last few weeks have been jammed packed with all sorts of new things and settling in but I think we are almost there. The girls and I are hitting our stride, I am getting used to the area and finding my way around. More importantly I have been getting all of my runs done. So let's get caught up.
Run #9 was one of those runs that I just wanted to keep going. It was a pretty mild day out and I was feeling pretty strong. I decided to try to negative split it and I was able to finish 2 minutes quicker. Legs felt alright and I did a good long yoga session after(13km).
#10 I was feeling pretty sluggish, my legs were tired from the good run the day before and I was having one of those days and was feeling overwhelmed so although this run wasn't hard or really long it was one of those runs that energized my mind and I ended up feeling so good afterwards (7.60 km)
#11, I headed out with SV and I was feeling blah, we didn't head out until later in the day and I had no motivation, lol, but running with SV always turns out to be enjoyable. We hit one section of the run that was snow covered and pretty slippery, I found this really challenging and was glad to have that section behind me. Legs were sore again but I did some good stretching afterwards and it was nice to have this run in the books (10.06 km).
Run #12 was probably my favourite run so far. My head was heavy from one too many drinks the night before and when I woke up I had a feeling this run was going to be ugly, however, we headed out and it was mild but raining and somehow we just ended up cruising through this run. We were running fast but it didn't feel like a big effort and I really enjoyed it. (distance 8.13km).
#13 wasn't that lucky for me, lol. My legs felt like cement blocks and the insane wind in my face for the last 4 km wasn't doing anything to help me feel light on my feet, but I guess the point is that I got the run in and I followed it with a sweaty core workout and then a relaxing yoga session, in the end I guess #13 wasn't so bad (7.33km)
To wrap up the second week, I did my 14th run after a bike trainer session. My legs were tired and I thought a trainer ride might help loosen them up and I would be nice and warmed up for the run. It ended up being a great run, despite the strong wind yet again I felt relaxed and happy. I was starving by the time I walked in the door, so I had a nice huge meal and some stretching. (7.19 km)
Total distance for week two was 62.46 km.
Total for the 14 runs is 124.21km
Calories burned {as an interesting piece of info}in two weeks (runs only) is 9202 kcal.

Run #15 and #16 went well also. I finally got a new pair of running shoes, I figured it was well past time and the sore legs could be a huge indicator, that and SV said if I was going to be crazy and do 30 runs that I needed to get some new shoes because he didn't want me to be injured. It's funny, when you put on a new pair of shoes you realize how worn down/out your other ones really were. I love new running shoes and I bought a pair of Adrenalines...I love this shoe, I haven't ran in it in awhile but it really is my favourite shoe. With my Adrenalines on and the sun shining I did 7.20 km and 8.11 km for those two runs and the legs are feeling pretty good.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Run number eight is in the books. It was one of those days that you don't mind running in the snow, which was fresh and light and fluffy... however underneath I did manage to find several sections of black ice which was a great excuse for me to take it a little easy. I am trying to be very patient with the hamstring/butt area and with all the runs that I am doing, I am not paying attention to what my pace is. I am also not deciding how far I am running until I am out there, if I am feeling good I keep it going, if I am feeling tired or sore or I am rushed for time then I cut the run a little shorter. Mileage for run # 8 was 9.15 km.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Ok the days all kind of got away from me there, but not to worry I did all my runs.
I headed out for my fifth run in the late morning. It was warmer and I was looking forward to the run but not really sure of where to run. I decided to do an out and back and try to come back stronger. Footing was better because the roads were dry so I felt more relaxed while I was out there. I felt great on the way out but then when I turned around it was right into a head wind, it kind of knocked my socks off, lol. No negative splitting happening this day :) (7.51km). My sixth run was probably my best one of the week. I was feeling a little sore from the weeks training but the sun was almost out and I had the thumps on and I felt like I could keep going. It wasn't fast but it was one of those runs that gets all the cob webs out and makes you feel so energized and content when you are done. Ended with 10.46km. Run #7 was a solid one to end out the week, legs were sore from a bike ride and core workout that I did the day before (and maybe the previous 6 runs) and I had 2 little terriers that chased and growled, and sadly I was intimidated!! I finished this run with a distance of 9.10 km. Overall I am really happy with the first 7 runs of the 30 day challenge. I did take have to take a day off (Bob, I am playing the single mom card and there is nothing you can do about it) but I will still get all 30 runs done, I will double up days to make up for those days that I just can't get out because of my little ladies! First week total distance was 61.75 km and the hamstring/glute is feeling pretty good!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Number 4

My fourth run has been the best one so far. It was one of those milder days in the winter that makes you almost think you don't mind all the snow and slush, you are able to wear your "thinner" tights and it feels mild out. I started my fourth run with an intense ride on the trainer, I loved the workout I did and felt really strong. Hopped off the bike and headed out deciding to go a different way than I have been going... seeing where the road went. Happily I only ran into one dog and he seemed pleasant enough. The roads were pretty clear and that combined with the fact that I was already warmed up and it was milder today I had a great run. (8.02 km)
This 30 day thing is going pretty well. I am focusing on not running to hard or to far with each run just about getting it done and so far that seems to be going well for me so I am going to keep rolling with that!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2 and 3...

I am a little behind but I am updating finally...
I headed out for run #2 with SV and I have to admit I wasn't ready for that one... I have had a bit of a chest infection/flu bug since right after Christmas and this run hurt. I felt like I was wheezing the entire time and I couldn't get the chest to "loosen up" so that I could get rid of some of the crap in there. My legs were a little sore from the first run and this is the fastest I have ran since the hamstring injury but man was I glad to have the excuse to cut this run short (because I had 28 more runs to do.... )I tried to get SV to join me on the 30 day challenge, but he refused, lol. Overall it was a good run and I did 7 km.
Run #3 was a cold one! I am not sure what the temperature was but man was my face cold. My legs were stiff and pretty sore and I decided to take it pretty easy. I loosened up after the first 10 minutes and actually really enjoyed the run. I did 7.68 km and it felt like a solid run. I could feel my butt/hamstring by the end of the run so I did some yoga and felt great the rest of the day.
I had kind of fallen off the running wagon because of the hamstring and I have to admit that I am enjoying getting back out there. I don't even mind the ridiculously cold temperatures and snow covered roads, it just feels so great to be out clearing the mind and pushing the body.
3 down..... only 27 to go!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How Far I've come

Wow, just over a year ago I did the 30 runs in 30 days.... so much has happened since then and today I began the experience again. It kinda feels like a new start and I love that feeling!
I will be blogging each day about my runs. I know not all of them are going to be enjoyable but it is still something I really enjoyed last year and as Bob said "Just getter done"
I headed out today in -24 windchill on a snow covered road. I decided to do this road because it lets me just run out however far and turn around... very little thinking required. Halfway out I realized that I hadn't brought my camera along, so I will try to remember for tomorrows run... in case I see something fun while I am out there!
It was a great run, not fast because of the snow ruts and ice but it was still a nice challenging run. Finished 11.92 km this morning fully bundled up and it was a great day out there, the sun was shining brightly. I loved it. I think I may just make this 30 day challenge a yearly thing!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ultra Distance Triathlete of the Year

Wow, what a way to start 2010. I had been informed that Triathlon Canada Magazine wanted a picture of me from the Ultraman event photographer and there had been a little write up about Ultraman in the November issue so I was looking forward to seeing the new issue when it came out but to be honest I wasn't sure what I was going to be in there for. I was thinking maybe they were going to do a story about Ultraman....
I woke up yesterday to a text message from my friend and crew member Susan who told me I was the Ultra distance triathlete of the year. Pretty cool, I have to admit. Wolfgang was named the male ultra distance triathlete of the year as well, which I find very awesome as we spent a good portion of the first marathon running together and he is a great guy.
It is an honour to have been selected and to have my name and picture published in a magazine. It also is highly motivating, I hold no ambition of becoming the ultra distance triathlete of 2010 but it certainly is a nice acknowledgement to have and something to get me going on these cold and dreary days that we are having.
If nothing else it put a smile on my face and reminded me how proud I am of accomplishing that race in a very difficult year of my life!