Sunday, December 9, 2012

Go Big Or Go Home!!

Wow, what a whirlwind!!  We've been home 4 weeks and just finding a few minutes to sit down and catch up!  Hope everyone is healthy and happy and ready for the craziness that is the holiday season!

NZ and OZ were amazing!  We packed as much as we could in the 3 weeks that we were there.   There is tonnes that we could have done but I am totally happy with everything that we managed to do and see.  We were slowed down by my sore foot... going for long hikes was out of the question, but I'm not much of a hiker so maybe that was a good thing.  
The highlight of the trip was Bungy Jumping...something I wasn't sure I would ever be able to make myself do...seriously, jump off a platform 134m above the ground with only an elastic "band" around my ankles...crazy!  This was the most nervous I have ever been in my life.   Started in the morning as we talked about the craziness we were about to experience...was amplified on the bus as they played video of people jumping... reached full swing by the time I stepped onto the gondola high above the little river.   The butterflies in my stomach were going mach intense. 
I stood near the edge to watch our friend Big Tom and SV great to watch them go, hear them scream and see the pure pleasure on their faces as they were pulled back up into the gondola. 
The guys at Nevis Bungy were awesome, kept me laughing and chatting up until it was time to jump.  It happened so second I was taking baby steps to the edge of the platform (absolutely NO foot pain!) and the next I was free falling towards the ground!  I screamed louder than I have ever screamed in my life!  No other way to describe it other than the BEST experience I've ever incredibly overwhelming, amazing and unbelievable!!  It took a couple of hours before the adrenaline of the event wore off.  We finally stopped saying "Wow" and "Awesome" and crashed for an afternoon nap!  
It was very hard to leave a beautiful country that was just getting ready for summer and come back to the cold and dark (seriously, pitch black by 4:30pm) of Ontario, but it was great to be back home, surrounded by our kidlets, friends and's always great to go on vacation but nothing beats your own warm bed and the smell of coffee in your own kitchen!
I finally went to get my foot checked out, it still hurt and I needed to find out exactly what was wrong.   I needed to figure out how long it would be until I was back to normal.  Turns out, I fractured the base of the 5th metatarsal.  The good news... it had already started to heal, much to Dr. Jenn's amazement (I guess walking around for 2 weeks on a broken foot isn't usually recommended).  
The bad news, I became the "proud" owner of an air cast for 6 weeks (no cute fall/winter boots for me!) and I missed out on some glorious fall days of running.  3rd X-Ray scheduled for the 20th so keep those fingers crossed!

Nevis Bungy--Holy F'n'F!!

Love this race pic (yep that's the broken one about to hit)

My "boo boo"

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