Thursday, January 24, 2013


I had an injury.  It's healing...but not as fast as I would like.  This past week I hit the ground running,  and it hurt.  I tried to cut myself some slack... these were the first outdoor runs I have done since October and the most mileage I have done in 14 weeks.  However, that irrational part of my brain, quickly went to the what if's, you know, the: what if I can't run pain free again, what if I am not as fast as I used to be, what if I can't run long... what if, what if, what if.
We all go through "stuff" (an injury, a loss, a break up, a bad spell...whatever it is) and the focus tends to be on getting back to where we used to be, being as good/happy as we once were but that isn't the right way to look at it.  I realized this week, that I have to be kinder to myself.  My body is doing the best it can and that is all I ever ask from myself.  I shouldn't be pushing myself to go harder or farther right now, because I am not ready and that is ok.  I am the only one who expects more, yes SV may have helped point this out to me :)  So my focus right now isn't on trying to be as strong or as fast as I "used" to be, instead I am going to focus on doing the right things and getting stronger and that is a process which has no finish line and no matter what I will be better than I once was!

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