Wow, what a way to start 2010. I had been informed that Triathlon Canada Magazine wanted a picture of me from the Ultraman event photographer and there had been a little write up about Ultraman in the November issue so I was looking forward to seeing the new issue when it came out but to be honest I wasn't sure what I was going to be in there for. I was thinking maybe they were going to do a story about Ultraman....
I woke up yesterday to a text message from my friend and crew member Susan who told me I was the Ultra distance triathlete of the year. Pretty cool, I have to admit. Wolfgang was named the male ultra distance triathlete of the year as well, which I find very awesome as we spent a good portion of the first marathon running together and he is a great guy.
It is an honour to have been selected and to have my name and picture published in a magazine. It also is highly motivating, I hold no ambition of becoming the ultra distance triathlete of 2010 but it certainly is a nice acknowledgement to have and something to get me going on these cold and dreary days that we are having.
If nothing else it put a smile on my face and reminded me how proud I am of accomplishing that race in a very difficult year of my life!
Congratulations, that's terrific!