Run #9 was one of those runs that I just wanted to keep going. It was a pretty mild day out and I was feeling pretty strong. I decided to try to negative split it and I was able to finish 2 minutes quicker. Legs felt alright and I did a good long yoga session after(13km).
#10 I was feeling pretty sluggish, my legs were tired from the good run the day before and I was having one of those days and was feeling overwhelmed so although this run wasn't hard or really long it was one of those runs that energized my mind and I ended up feeling so good afterwards (7.60 km)
#11, I headed out with SV and I was feeling blah, we didn't head out until later in the day and I had no motivation, lol, but running with SV always turns out to be enjoyable. We hit one section of the run that was snow covered and pretty slippery, I found this really challenging and was glad to have that section behind me. Legs were sore again but I did some good stretching afterwards and it was nice to have this run in the books (10.06 km).
Run #12 was probably my favourite run so far. My head was heavy from one too many drinks the night before and when I woke up I had a feeling this run was going to be ugly, however, we headed out and it was mild but raining and somehow we just ended up cruising through this run. We were running fast but it didn't feel like a big effort and I really enjoyed it. (distance 8.13km).
#13 wasn't that lucky for me, lol. My legs felt like cement blocks and the insane wind in my face for the last 4 km wasn't doing anything to help me feel light on my feet, but I guess the point is that I got the run in and I followed it with a sweaty core workout and then a relaxing yoga session, in the end I guess #13 wasn't so bad (7.33km)
To wrap up the second week, I did my 14th run after a bike trainer session. My legs were tired and I thought a trainer ride might help loosen them up and I would be nice and warmed up for the run. It ended up being a great run, despite the strong wind yet again I felt relaxed and happy. I was starving by the time I walked in the door, so I had a nice huge meal and some stretching. (7.19 km)
Total distance for week two was 62.46 km.
Total for the 14 runs is 124.21km
Calories burned {as an interesting piece of info}in two weeks (runs only) is 9202 kcal.
Run #15 and #16 went well also. I finally got a new pair of running shoes, I figured it was well past time and the sore legs could be a huge indicator, that and SV said if I was going to be crazy and do 30 runs that I needed to get some new shoes because he didn't want me to be injured. It's funny, when you put on a new pair of shoes you realize how worn down/out your other ones really were. I love new running shoes and I bought a pair of Adrenalines...I love this shoe, I haven't ran in it in awhile but it really is my favourite shoe. With my Adrenalines on and the sun shining I did 7.20 km and 8.11 km for those two runs and the legs are feeling pretty good.
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