Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March Mantra!

March is such a wonderful time of year...days are getting longer, the temperature is finally getting warmer and motivation levels start to rise as the snow melts away!
I have been repeating a certain mantra this month..."You get out what you put in"...these simple words have been circling through my mind as I push the pace on my runs, as I forward fold in Yoga and as I try to increase my power output on the bike.  This mantra has reminded me to focus on what I have to do in order to reach the goals that I have set for myself.  
We all set goals and many times we loose focus, readjust those goals or settle for a lesser goal...because it is easier to go through the motions, to not fully commit to the hard work, to loose momentum when the road gets rocky or maybe just go a totally different direction when you loose faith in your ability to achieve your goals.  Personally, I have done all of the above at different times in my life.  However, I have realized that I want to work towards my goals, I want to put in 100%, I don't want to hold back and I know that if I put in everything I can (sort of like depositing money in to a bank account), that I will be able to" take out" the same amount and most likely be able to take out even more (interest)!  
I know it becomes easy to think that we deserve certain things in life but, I know it is my responsibility to put as much as I can into everything that I do, whether it is my family, my spouse, my business or my athletic pursuits.  If I don't give my all to making these things the best that they can be, I can't expect them to be awesome just because I want them to be.  It takes hard work to be successful in all areas of our lives and this month I have committed to putting as much as I can into every aspect.  I am willing to give 100% to all the important things, I will work full force towards my goals!  I am excited for this mantra to help me through the rest of the month and the rest of my life...who's with me?

1 comment:

  1. I'm in! Well written and thanks for the kick in the pants!
