Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hi My Name is...

Barbi and I am an addict..not "that" kind of addict... I have a few things that I just can't seem to shake wanting (and not sure that I want to): these are all things that I love and can justify "needing" more of; shoes ("I don't have a pair with this heel, strap, colour"), Lululemon ("Perfect for teaching classes in") and pretty underwear (no justification...always needed and appreciated!)
My other addiction began at the age of 20...I remember phoning home and asking my mom if I could get my first tattoo, to which she replied "It's your body, do what you like"  What a great response.  To this day, I go back to that response whenever I am considering getting a new tattoo...it's my body, so why the heck not!
I know not everyone is a fan of tattoos and that is understandable...I love them and each one of my tattoos has a certain meaning to me. I don't regret any of them as they are all from different points in my life.  When asked what I will think of them when I am older, I am confident that I will still love them, besides  I doubt anyone is going to  look at me and say "she would be a hot 80+ year old if she didn't have all those tattoos, lol!)  If nothing else when I am older it will be a story for me to tell or good mental exercise as I try to remember when/where or why I got these tattoos!
In the past few years, SV and I have been adding to our "body" art...something else we love to do together!  There is something about hearing the tattoo gun that gets my pulse racing, making me feel giddy and thinking about where to put the next one.
 Recently we found ourselves a great tattooist, Alex Maddock (check out some of his work here: http://www.facebook.com/alex.maddock.9 or here http://www.facebook.com/thetattooshoppe).  Alex is a very talented artist and so attentive to detail.  I am a huge fan of his and am happy to have had 3 tattoos done by him in the past several months.  I love how I can mention what I am thinking to him and he will take it to a level above and beyond what I was thinking.   I had been considering a larger piece...most of my tattoos aren't really out there, you wouldn't know that I have 11 tattoos...I was nervous about whether or not I could "rock" the shoulder/arm look but Alex reassured me...brought my idea to life and after some nervous energy and 5 hours on his table...I now have a shoulder/arm tattoo that I am in love with!
Thanks SOOOO much Alex!! (Just hoping my mom isn't regretting her "It's your body" response!)

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot to go through just to be able to skip a few swim workouts while it heals... but I have to admit SV looks pretty hot with those new arm tats. Barbi are you going to get some ink as well?
