Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Free to Fail"

"Free to Fail". I wrote those words once on a "psych up" banner in University.  Many of my teammates were upset by these words and wanted me to take them write something different. Luckily I had two coaches that knew what I meant and encouraged me to "keep it up there".
I think too many people read these words...focus on the word "fail" and miss the meaning; If you are too afraid of failing you miss out on ever going after a goal. You end up doing nothing(these are the "I can't moments"..."I should have but").  Once you realize you have nothing to loose...nothing to be afraid of...when you are truly open to anything.... THAT'S the moment greatness happens.
I have used this quote many times in my life and before every race I have done as a triathlete. I am going to give my best because I'm "Free to Fail".  I don't think of what will happen if I don't do a specific time, or finish in the place I think I should.  I do this for fun.  I do this to be me and to experience some amazing places and races.  If things don't go perfectly, I don't consider it a failure.  If nothing else I learned something about myself..... met a new person, or have an entertaining story to share with friends/family after the fact.
This week I witnessed one of the athletes I coach have a "Free to Fail" moment.  Char called me over to tell me she had just registered for her first Olympic Triathlon race.  I was so proud and excited.  She asked me what the swim distance is for this race....she has just started working with me in the pool.  She is motivated and working hard towards her goal for sure.  At that moment of realizing it is a 1500m swim....500m longer than she is currently comfortable swimming..... she gave the perfect chuckle, smiled and got excited.  In that moment...the one where many would come up with an excuse, back out, or freak out...she focused on what she CAN do to make sure she is successful.  No other option....GREATNESS happened.

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