Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Working it out..

The story of my days lately is trying to work this situation out. Separation is not an easy thing nor is being separated but having to be together. As hard as it was to make the decision that I want to put an end to my marriage and focus on the future and being the best mom and person I can be, that decision was made for all the right reasons and in the end that this is for the best, so now all I can do is try to make all of it work out and by that, I mean what is best for the 2 little ladies that are the center of my universe. I am not going to use this space as a place to air my reasons or what nots, this is my blog and it started as a journey towards UMC and helping me down this path and ultimately it has done just that. This entire journey so far has made me stronger and I am liking who I am and where I am going. I look to the future with hope and excitement, I truly believe that anything is possible and that I can do anything and I hope that I will be a positive role model for my girls in knowing that there is nothing that they can't do if they follow their hearts. It is hard to cause another person, especially one that you have shared many years with, any degree of pain, but at the same time I know in my heart that this is the right decision and that it is something that needs to be done. I have faith that things all happen for a reason and that there is nothing that you can't get through, true some things are more challenging, but this challenge is one that I know I will grow from and be able to help others with.
UMC and all that goes with it is really helping me deal with all the changes that I am facing right now, it has given me opportunity to focus my thoughts (amazing how a long bike ride or run can put things into perspective, lol) and it has given me something to strive towards and those who know me realize what a goal oriented person I am and I love that I have something so big to work towards! I know that I can do this and I think I may even be able to do it well. You never know what you are capable of until you put yourself out there and I am so pumped about finding out what I can accomplish!
Working out the numbers--I have been meaning to update the numbers from the training camp (tri geek in me had to come out, lol) so here it is, 9 days of training and here are what the numbers looked like: Swim-- 28,000 yards (not as high as I would have liked but I will take it), Bike--535km, Run--49.5km, Calories--18,397(and that was only on the bike and run!!) no wonder I lost 5 lbs!

1 comment:

  1. "The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."
    Arthur C. Clarke (
