Even though the sun is shining out there today it didn't do much to save me from the 6 degree temperature and strong winds. I met up with a few friends at Lakeside today to go for an open water swim. Normally putting on my wetsuit warms me up a little and makes me want to jump in the water, however this morning I had goose bumps and had to swear a few times to get myself in the water. I love being out in the lake and swimming, something very peaceful about it and it's a combination of things I love, being outside and swimming. I was able to help a friend through her first open water experience and although I know she was frustrated, I was very proud of her because you can't always control how your body or mind will react to certain situations, but she didn't give up and in the end I think she was able to overcome the uncertainty! Getting out of the lake was painful and I couldn't get out of my wet clothes fast enough. At times, I really do question what makes us triathletes do such crazy things! But at the same time I love doing all of these crazy things, lol!
It was a pretty big week and there was a large amount of stress and emotions involved with getting ready, actually moving and starting over. It was overwhelming at points and sad at others, but I know that all things happen for a reason and that everything is going to be alright. I have an amazing family who love and support me and I have some of the most fantastic girl friends I could ever imagine. I honestly don't know what I would do with out you guys (BJ,PM,CJ,LTD,AG,SW,JS) you all inspire me and I thank you for being there for me through all of this! The new place is great and the view is soothing. Honestly, you have to come see this view!
Got some big training to get to this week and I am looking forward to hitting the road! See you out there.

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
time to get running!
Just on my way out the door for a long run. The weather is perfect(overcast and slightly cooler) and I am looking forward to working off some stress. It has been a highly eventful week, some good some bad, but I am hanging in there. Have been able to do some rides (thanks to Peggy letting me borrow her bike) and runs this week, kind of slacked on the swimming end this week, but next week will I am getting in the lake with some friends and we are going to do our first open water swim of the season so I am looking forward to that.
Doors opened at the new MultiSport Zone (http://www.multisport-zone.com/ZOM/) and I was very excited for them, the place looks great and the response has been good. I enjoyed seeing some athletes I haven't seen for awhile and many friends popped in to do some shopping and to chat! I have some great pictures to post and hopefully I will be able to add those soon. But for now, I have to get running. Be back in a few hours!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Long Weekends
Nothing like the Victoria Day weekend to remind you that summer is just around the corner. The weather this long weekend has been a little on the cold side but luckily the sun has shined for the majority of it so it has been one of those weekends you just don't want to end.
I ended up doing my long run on Thursday, it was a beautiful day for a long run, warm and sunny. The body is feeling pretty great and I enjoyed running around London and having the beauty of the parks, Bob joined me for part of the run and it was nice to have some company while out there. Friday, I got up early and headed to the pool, my motivation was pretty low and the water was pretty cold, so not a good combination. I managed to force myself to finish some mileage but no where near the effort I should have put in. Friday ended up being a stressful day with a counseling session but I feel we are slowly approaching an area that will be healthy for the girls and that gives me hope.
I am in search of a new bike to get me to UMC, as the bike was something that didn't end up in my possession in this process, but again, it is for the best and it is giving me a chance to look for something new. Not sure what I am going to end up going with but know that I had better get my butt moving because there is a lot of mileage I need to get done in my training, I do have a bike I can borrow for the time being and it is a bike I know well, but I hope to find something soon, looked around a bit this weekend but haven't decided what I want to get. Got in a pretty good run yesterday, the sun was out and it just made for a beautiful day to run. The wind was insane for most of it and I found myself chasing my hat on a few occasions which just provided some good laughs. I am happy with the way the legs are feeling with all the running that I have been doing these past 6 months, I am feeling really confident in my runs just have to keep on top of the yoga as I am feeling a little stiff lately.
Tomorrow is the first day at the new Multisport Zone location, I am pumped to be in helping Jeff and Darryl get things ready for the grand opening. The place looks great and I think it is going to be a great place to be and for people to come and train and I can't wait to get some of my athletes in the Endless Pool!
Headed out for another run now(no swimming today as all the pools are closed) then it is family time!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
That has been my focus lately, sunshine, and I found it very fitting that my oldest gave me a mothers day card saying that I am her sunshine, it made my day. Things have been a little complicated in my life but each day starts and comes to an end. We are surviving the best that we can and in the end, can you ask for more than that. I try to focus on the good and look for the sunshine in everything. It is easy to get caught in dark places but sunshine gives you hope and that is all I feel we need.
This week has gotten a little back on track for me, with regards to training, it is a great way to clear the head and work out some stress! I got up early yesterday and headed to the pool, I hadn't been in since the crash in Florida and the elbow/shoulder seemed better so I wanted to test it out. Was happy that none of the pain remained, could feel that the left arm was a little weaker than the right but I may have been babying it. I ended up doing 3500 LCM and was pretty happy with how I felt. I really love swimming long course! The elbow throbbed a little the rest of the day but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle.
Today I did core class with my morning crew and I really enjoyed it, although my butt was on fire at some points! Then I rode into London, a ride I had never done before, but I actually quite enjoyed, the roads I took were pretty busy with traffic but it was nice to ride hard and really have no thoughts. I ended the ride on the bike paths to get here and it was so nice to see so many people outdoors being active, I couldn't help but smile.
I have some stuff to do tomorrow before I head back to the girls and I am hoping that it all goes well and that the sun continues to shine!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Working it out..
The story of my days lately is trying to work this situation out. Separation is not an easy thing nor is being separated but having to be together. As hard as it was to make the decision that I want to put an end to my marriage and focus on the future and being the best mom and person I can be, that decision was made for all the right reasons and in the end that this is for the best, so now all I can do is try to make all of it work out and by that, I mean what is best for the 2 little ladies that are the center of my universe. I am not going to use this space as a place to air my reasons or what nots, this is my blog and it started as a journey towards UMC and helping me down this path and ultimately it has done just that. This entire journey so far has made me stronger and I am liking who I am and where I am going. I look to the future with hope and excitement, I truly believe that anything is possible and that I can do anything and I hope that I will be a positive role model for my girls in knowing that there is nothing that they can't do if they follow their hearts. It is hard to cause another person, especially one that you have shared many years with, any degree of pain, but at the same time I know in my heart that this is the right decision and that it is something that needs to be done. I have faith that things all happen for a reason and that there is nothing that you can't get through, true some things are more challenging, but this challenge is one that I know I will grow from and be able to help others with.
UMC and all that goes with it is really helping me deal with all the changes that I am facing right now, it has given me opportunity to focus my thoughts (amazing how a long bike ride or run can put things into perspective, lol) and it has given me something to strive towards and those who know me realize what a goal oriented person I am and I love that I have something so big to work towards! I know that I can do this and I think I may even be able to do it well. You never know what you are capable of until you put yourself out there and I am so pumped about finding out what I can accomplish!
Working out the numbers--I have been meaning to update the numbers from the training camp (tri geek in me had to come out, lol) so here it is, 9 days of training and here are what the numbers looked like: Swim-- 28,000 yards (not as high as I would have liked but I will take it), Bike--535km, Run--49.5km, Calories--18,397(and that was only on the bike and run!!) no wonder I lost 5 lbs!
UMC and all that goes with it is really helping me deal with all the changes that I am facing right now, it has given me opportunity to focus my thoughts (amazing how a long bike ride or run can put things into perspective, lol) and it has given me something to strive towards and those who know me realize what a goal oriented person I am and I love that I have something so big to work towards! I know that I can do this and I think I may even be able to do it well. You never know what you are capable of until you put yourself out there and I am so pumped about finding out what I can accomplish!
Working out the numbers--I have been meaning to update the numbers from the training camp (tri geek in me had to come out, lol) so here it is, 9 days of training and here are what the numbers looked like: Swim-- 28,000 yards (not as high as I would have liked but I will take it), Bike--535km, Run--49.5km, Calories--18,397(and that was only on the bike and run!!) no wonder I lost 5 lbs!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sporting Life 10km
Wow, Life sure can get complicated and in all honesty the last 10 days or so have been so full of emotions and stress that I didn't know if I was coming or going. Coming back from Florida, I made some life changing decisions and although I know they were hard decisions to make and to explain they were decisions that had to be made regardless of what the fall out would be, but despite all the emotions I was feeling pretty clear headed and relaxed in the knowledge that this was what needed to be done and that in the end things would work themselves out.
I ended up heading to Toronto and entered myself into the Sporting Life 10km race, I didn't know much about it other than some friends were telling me that it was huge race with over 12,000 athletes registered and I figured what the heck. I haven't entered a race in a long time and I have had some bad experiences, so why not. We got up early on Sunday morning and I really wasn't feeling like doing a race, I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before and the thought of doing a 10km hard was not really on the top of my to do list. We got down to Younge Street and I couldn't believe the amount of people and the fact that they had corals, they usually only have those for the larger marathons! I was supposed to be at the back in the last corral since I had only registered the day before, but I didn't want to start way back there so I got into the second corral with my friends friend and started where I should have been starting time wise. I have to admit standing there in a crowd of 13, 000 other runners all preparing to do the same thing is a powerful thing. I had butterflies and I was so excited to be doing a race again. The race heads straight down Younge St and I figured it would be really crowded with the amount of runners but happily the crowds spread out and I never felt like I had to weave around other runners. The first 4km I stayed with Marc but I could tell that we were running a little at his uncomfortable level so after the aid station I just kept pushing. I wanted to hold steady for the first 5km and then work at banging off strong kms after that for the last 5. I got to the 5km mark at just over 20 minutes and I felt strong.
At one point as I was running down Younge St. I was so overwhelmed with the site. The buildings were casting shadows onto the road and in the center was the sun shinning down, it was just so beautiful and felt so right, like I was running towards the future and the future is bright and anything is possible!! I know it sounds a little silly but that sight and thought made me feel so strong and hopeful!
I never felt that I was running outside of my comfort level and when I rounded the corner to the finish line I knew that I was having a strong run. I crossed the line and was so pumped to see the 40 minutes on the clock, (my previous best time in 10km was 42:53) my finishing time was 40:29 and I was so proud of myself, I did way more than I thought I could do and was so happy with how this first race back felt. It was a great race and who knows maybe next year I can go back and break 40 minutes! The medal was pretty nice too and the girls thought it was awesome!
I ended up heading to Toronto and entered myself into the Sporting Life 10km race, I didn't know much about it other than some friends were telling me that it was huge race with over 12,000 athletes registered and I figured what the heck. I haven't entered a race in a long time and I have had some bad experiences, so why not. We got up early on Sunday morning and I really wasn't feeling like doing a race, I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before and the thought of doing a 10km hard was not really on the top of my to do list. We got down to Younge Street and I couldn't believe the amount of people and the fact that they had corals, they usually only have those for the larger marathons! I was supposed to be at the back in the last corral since I had only registered the day before, but I didn't want to start way back there so I got into the second corral with my friends friend and started where I should have been starting time wise. I have to admit standing there in a crowd of 13, 000 other runners all preparing to do the same thing is a powerful thing. I had butterflies and I was so excited to be doing a race again. The race heads straight down Younge St and I figured it would be really crowded with the amount of runners but happily the crowds spread out and I never felt like I had to weave around other runners. The first 4km I stayed with Marc but I could tell that we were running a little at his uncomfortable level so after the aid station I just kept pushing. I wanted to hold steady for the first 5km and then work at banging off strong kms after that for the last 5. I got to the 5km mark at just over 20 minutes and I felt strong.
At one point as I was running down Younge St. I was so overwhelmed with the site. The buildings were casting shadows onto the road and in the center was the sun shinning down, it was just so beautiful and felt so right, like I was running towards the future and the future is bright and anything is possible!! I know it sounds a little silly but that sight and thought made me feel so strong and hopeful!
I never felt that I was running outside of my comfort level and when I rounded the corner to the finish line I knew that I was having a strong run. I crossed the line and was so pumped to see the 40 minutes on the clock, (my previous best time in 10km was 42:53) my finishing time was 40:29 and I was so proud of myself, I did way more than I thought I could do and was so happy with how this first race back felt. It was a great race and who knows maybe next year I can go back and break 40 minutes! The medal was pretty nice too and the girls thought it was awesome!
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