The majority of you reading this blog know me and know that I always love to set crazy challenges for myself. I might not always think them through fully, but I always have a great time...Ultraman Canada 2009 is one example and my favourite event I have completed!
After many years of thinking how fun it would be to try to ride every day like the guys in the Tour de France, I gave it a go last was tough and I struggled and almost bailed, however, the stubborn part of my personality won out in the end and I was able to complete my goal and was overwhelmed by the support of family and friends. It meant the world to me to have so many people supporting my challenge just because I wanted to see if I could actually do it...I knew that I would do it again in a heart beat!
After many years of thinking how fun it would be to try to ride every day like the guys in the Tour de France, I gave it a go last was tough and I struggled and almost bailed, however, the stubborn part of my personality won out in the end and I was able to complete my goal and was overwhelmed by the support of family and friends. It meant the world to me to have so many people supporting my challenge just because I wanted to see if I could actually do it...I knew that I would do it again in a heart beat!
Life can throw curve balls at you, good and bad, in the past year, so many things have happened to people close to me, unexpected things that are life changers, it sucks, it's not fair, it makes my heart hurt but there is nothing I can do to change these situations...but what if I could do something. What if by me riding my bicycle I was able to make a difference to a family...a family facing one of those unfortunate life changing situations. What if I could do something to make a bad situation a little easier. Hell yes!!! I can't think of anything I want to do more.
Six years ago I met a man, Eon D'ornellas, who has a passion and dedication to cycling that is inspiring. A former Olympian and pro cyclist that has built a very impressive business around his passion. I have had the pleasure of riding in races with him and it is amazing to watch him guide, give tips and just help make the group around him ride smarter and safer. Over the years, I have formed a friendship with his fun and energetic daughter Lori-Ann, who is always there with a smile and a funny story to lighten your day! This amazing family has touched my life and many others in the cycling community and beyond. When I learned of Eon's nieces situation, I knew that I wanted to help....Below is part of Jessica's story...please take a minute to read about what Jessica is up against:
"My wife Jessica Turner has been ill for over 7 years now...we went through the many doctor appointments, emergency room visits and hospital stays it eventually turned into long term disability. She was undiagnosed for two years then got her first diagnosis of Gastroparesis which basically means her stomach is paralyzed. She then got a further diagnosis of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction which meant her small and large intestines were also paralyzed This turned out to be a more major and serious issue than the first diagnosis. She has not been able to eat for the past 5 years since they started treatment which is now running an IV bag at home for nutrition.... She is admitted to a downtown hospital several times per year with the longest admission so far being 3.5 months long. Her latest diagnosis last year is Epilepsy as she had a few grand mal seizures. The prognosis is not good overall and the doctors are now looking at a multi-organ transplant which will be another long haul for Jessica and our family if that comes to pass...She has a long list of medical needs as it is and not everything is covered by the government, hospitals or insurance and since she had to resign from being a nurse due to her disability we have been struggling to manage things ever since."
This year I am dedicating my 2015 Tour de France Challenge to Jessica and her family! I am committing myself to riding 60% of this years Tour de France (totalling 2015.08 kilometres). I know it will be a tough 3 weeks, but in all honesty it is nothing compared to what Jessica and her family have to take on each and every day!!
I am hoping that all of you... friends, family and friends I have yet to meet, will support me in this challenge and in turn support Jessica and her family! If you can, please make a donation to help support my challenge and her family...any little bit will make a difference!!!
I am hoping that all of you... friends, family and friends I have yet to meet, will support me in this challenge and in turn support Jessica and her family! If you can, please make a donation to help support my challenge and her family...any little bit will make a difference!!!