Hi there!
It sure has been awhile. I would like to say that I have had a great reason for my absence but honestly all I have for you is a bunch of excuses and none are the real reason that I haven't been keeping you up to date. The truth is I didn't know what it was I wanted to do on this part of my journey. I have been doing a bunch of reflecting the last few weeks, maybe it's the time of year but I finally made a few decisions and I am happy to say that I am back!!
Since breaking my foot in 2012, I have been dealing with what has felt like endless injuries. I didn't allow myself to plan ahead, I didn't set goals because I wasn't sure that I would be able to achieve them so rather than use my injuries to motivate myself to get better and stronger, I became comfortable with just going through the motions with no purpose. I started looking at the training as just the balance to eating a breakfast cookie!
We all have certain "tools" in our tool box, you know those "tools" that make us who we are, the ones that help us create our path to reach our goals, the ones that make you feel strong and motivated --hard work, determination, dedication, goal setting, time management, strength in body and mind, perseverance, courage, focus, positivity, self love, etc. I used to be great at keeping my "toolbox" tidy and uncluttered, everything in it's place and ready to use but over that last two years I have gotten careless and allowed my toolbox to become chaotic and cluttered. I allowed self doubt, lack of focus, limited strength/injury, poor time management, poor goal setting, worry that my racing days might be over and of lack of desire, to keep me from prioritizing and found that it was becoming easier and easier to make excuses (excuses are always easier than hard work) to not race or train. I began feeling like I should close the lid on my toolbox rather than take the time to clean out all the useless crap and keep things tidy. Luckily, I talked to SV and he encouraged me to set a new challenge for myself because he knows that I will work hard towards my goals…all I have to do is take out the crap that is cluttering my toolbox!
I realized how much I miss some of my favourite "tools"…I've missed setting goals that make my butterflies take flight, I've missed working/training hard, I've missed challenging myself. I miss the excitement of being out there on race day with the other athletes who are pushing themselves to their limits and I miss the excitement of crossing a finish line!
I have always been an athlete and I am excited to be one again…the goal has been set…I WILL complete my first Half Ironman triathlon this summer (can you believe I haven't done a half Ironman yet…two full Ironman's and Ultraman but this will be my first half!!). I am motivated to get to the start line injury free, I am excited to race on my home course and I am pumped to be out there competing with several of my athletes. I will do my best and I know I am going to have a blast!!! I hope you will join me for this journey…it might not always be a smooth road but I know I have the right tools to get me through any rough patches!!!