Tuesday, December 3, 2013
"Just a Coach"
I am a coach. Plain and simple that is what I do. I have been coaching swimming for more years than I can remember, working with triathletes and runners for 10 years and teaching Yoga for almost 9 years. (wow, seriously where has time gone?). I have had the pleasure of working with all ability levels, from very beginner to top elite athletes and every single day I am grateful to be able to do what I do.
However, there was a time in my life when I let a few people make me feel that being "just a coach" was insignificant, that it wasn't a "real" job or something to be proud of. True, I will never cure cancer or solve world hunger or make the Forbes 500 list, but being a coach is a worthwhile and satisfying career. I get to go to work every day helping people. I get to watch as people get fitter, build healthier relationships with their families. I get to encourage them to make life changing goals and become role models to their friends and families. I get the joy of watching people discover that they are stronger than they think they are. I get to be the cheerleader, the ass kicker and the shoulder to lean on when they are struggling. I have helped countless people cross finish lines they never thought they would reach(Ironman/Half-Ironman, Try-a-Tri, marathons/half-marathons,5kms, etc). Anyone who has ever crossed that finish line, knows what a magical place it can be and I get to be a part of all of those magical moments. Honestly, I get goosebumps thinking of these accomplishments that I have had the honour to be involved in. Watching my athletes conquer their fears, discover new depths to their strength and determination, seeing the excitement on their faces as they do something for the first time (touching their toes, doing a handstand, reaching the top of Mt. Lemmon, run a PB, swim farther) means more to me than any benefits package that other jobs may provide.
Over the years I have come to realize that while there may be people out there who think of me as "just a coach" they aren't the ones that matter...it is people that call me "their coach" that matter because they are the ones who make my job worthwhile and there is nothing on this earth that I would rather do than help people make their dreams come true!
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