I can't believe it has been nearly two months since I posted on this site, not because I haven't had anything to blog about, but because I haven't had a chance to sit down and collect my thoughts. Life has been full speed ahead since May and in all honesty I am loving the whirl wind! I took a huge leap at the beginning of May, making a goal a reality... UltraPossible is alive and growing (www.ultrapossible.ca). I have surrounded myself with some of the most amazing people and the energy that's been created is overwhelming. I am excited to say along with Coach Brent and Coach Steve that we are putting together an amazing team and program. We are helping our athletes reach their fitness goals and creating a fun environment for people to learn and excel. I can't help but be pumped. Nothing better than waking up each day loving what I do and looking forward to what is going to happen that day...yes I am busy and at times I forget what I walked into a room for, but I have to admit that I am loving it!
This past weekend I did my first tri of the 2012 season. The Gravenhurst Tri is one of my favourites, from the steamship boat ride to the swim start, the beautiful bike course and the killer run. It is one that I love to do but always suffer on. Once again, it was a steamy hot day and although there were a few things I could have done better, I am happy with how my race went. I haven't been swimming nearly enough, but my swim time was around where it should be. I felt pretty good on the bike and although I could have been stronger, I am pleased with my ride. My run was a struggle for sure, as I think it was for everyone. That run course is a tough one---lots of hills on a road with many deer flies and lots of sun (very little shade out there). It ended up being a 10km run where I bargained with my quads, trying to bribe them to not go into full blown cramp. I never felt that I was running strong, just trying to get to the finish. (I was very surprised to see that I ran a 4:12/km pace).
I found myself smiling through the entire day...I was able to race with several of our athletes as they completed their first triathlons, longer distance or improved their times. I was overwhelmed by how many of our athletes gave up a beautiful weekend to come down to the race site to volunteer and support their teammates and other athletes. The energy the UP athletes gave out there was amazing and I am so proud to be part of it.
This pic is from race day...thanks Jo for making this for me and thanks to all my family, friends and athletes who are keeping a smile on my face!