Thursday, March 29, 2012

24 Hour Relay

24 Hour Relay...Kids vs. Masters.... an interesting idea and fundraiser.  This past weekend the MUSAC swim club tried to race each other around Lake Muskoka...which by bike is a great ride!
Our masters team started out with 6 of us hitting the pool against the 23 youngsters...the youngsters quickly took the lead...but we noticed that they were all excited and playing around in the pool...while we rested between our legs... man some of those youngsters had staying particular little guy (8 years old) was still up and playing around in the water at 1am and back at it at 6am!!
In the end, our Masters team had 17 people participate in the 24 hour time period, with 5 of us staying the entire 24 hour time period.  I swam 11.5km in the 24 hour time period (doing 200-1500m at a time depending on the time and number of people).  First time in my life that I have ever swam 1500m at 3am....the Masters team chipped away at the distance, in the end we completed 83km around Lake Muskoka, pretty impressive and even better because we crushed the youngsters, much to their disbelief!  I am almost back to normal after spending 24 hours on the pool deck and we are already strategizing for next years 24 hour relay!
Lake Muskoka--Masters (black) Kids (red) 

Just a little tired and dreading going back in the water..(20 hours done)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I LOVE my bike!

I was able to get out and ride this week...last day of winter SV and I did our first outdoor ride of 2012...such a great treat, especially when our first outdoor ride of 2011 was on April 9th...crazy to have such amazing weather in Muskoka at this time of year!  
It was awesome to come back from CA and get out and ride! I have done 3 rides so far,  today we were able to get in 90km and other than some sore bits, my legs felt good...really good...the winter trainer riding must be paying off.  I know it is still early and we are going to get some more unpleasant weather, but I am going to take advantage of every moment I have to spend some quality time with my bike and love the fact that I was able to wear shorts/jerseys in March!
My favourite view!

 Smile says it all...Love being on 2 wheels!

 Drafting SV

Shorts and Snow....Awesome!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Swim and Run (wishing we could bike!)

Day 4 in Laguna Beach...we have been enjoying some gorgeous weather and some amazing food.  The kidlets are loving the area and we have been keeping busy every day!
SV and I have hit up the Laguna Beach High School Pool and have done some great runs...after running here for  9 days, I am going to be strong on hills...or of the two!  Lots of cyclists out riding, it would be a fabulous area to ride (maybe one day)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Little Voices

It seems that spring is slowly arriving... We had 2 days of bitter cold followed by a sunny gorgeous day that lifted spirits. I love this time of year, everything is beginning to wake up and come alive. I am excited for training, awaiting that first outdoor ride, running outside in shorts and being able to sit on a deck and enjoy a morning coffee or an evening glass of wine!
Race season is quickly approaching and the warmer temperatures help get my butt in motion, knowing that each day is one day closer to a starting line.  I'm excited to race again this spring/ 2011 season was pretty light, but it is looking like this summer is going to be a busier one...which excites me but  also causes the little voice deep inside to say "Oh crap"...that little part of me that dreads the hurting, the part that doesn't want to do the hill repeats/ speed work, go on the fast pace times for the swim workouts or do the killer brick workout that SV loves to do.  That is the part that makes those tough workouts even more challenging, a constant struggle with my mind to keep my body moving and to move harder/stronger/faster!  Luckily, I am more stubborn then that little voice in my head...I don't give up easily and I love to make myself hurt....I find comfort in putting on my "good" workout gear, putting on my socks and shoes (left foot first of course!) and blasting my angry music to help block that little voice...that voice  doesn't stand a chance with the likes of Rage Against the Machine, Nine Inch Nails, Korn, Godsmack, Nirvana and Foo Fighters!
So while we wait for the warm weather to finally stick at home, we are off for a week to the Golden State, a great hilly area, which means we are in for some killer runs and some great outdoor swimming....all my good workout gear is packed, angry music at the ready because although we are there to have some fun with the kids and have a fun wouldn't be a great vacation if SV and I didn't kick our own asses with some insane workouts and I am hoping that the beautiful scenery and pounding surf can help quiet that little voice while my lungs threaten to burst!